Introducing Smile Design Center

Our dentist’s office in Hungary is available with state-of-the-art equipment

Smile Design Center private dental clinic of Nyíregyháza was established in one of the fastest-growing cities of Hungary in 2013. Instead of praising ourselves, I suggest that you take a look at our references, but I can also recommend our Facebook page to get acquainted with us which is often updated with photos of our works. If you have a friend who has been to our dental office in Nyíregyháza, you can ask them about their experiences. My colleagues are highly qualified dentists, oral surgeons, dental hygienists, dental technicians who have one goal: perfect dental care! We save those teeth which have been already given up by other dentists. If a more serious implantation or oral surgical intervention is needed, we do it at the highest level.

If you have reviewed our website, perhaps checked our Facebook page, feel free to put your fears aside, ask your questions, we will be glad to answer them! A healthy smile will give you confidence in your relationships, work, and even business, too.

Dr. Sándor Homoki – dentist

Do you want a perfect smile?

We await your call

Megvalósítjuk mosolyát

Watch our introductory video!

Our dental office in Nyíregyháza is equipped with the most modern equipment


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ALL-on-4 fogpróba
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Professzionális szájsebészet.
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Csontpótlásról a legfontosabbak
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Fogorvosainkat loupé segíti!
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BPS fogsor próba
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Opinions of
our patients

What they said about us…

Kiss Alex Dávid, Tiszavasvári

"I was terribly afraid because of my previous bad experiences. I had to pull 4 teeth because of this. The good thing is that I didn't feel any of it. In my opinion, Mr. Doctor is the best dentist in Nyíregyháza, his calm nature also put me at ease in the dentist's chair. It was still necessary to fill and replace a tooth, and now everything is ready. No one can tell which is the original and which is the replacement”

Patient of Dr. Sándor Homoki

Hajdu Encike

"Thank you for the professionalism, the humanity, the atmosphere in which you work based on respect and love. At first I was nervous and scared, but the second time I crossed the threshold knowing that I was in good hands, there was no need to be afraid. I went through many treatments, but it was worth it: the most beautiful smile in the world mine and met a team of awesome people. Thank you!!!!!"

Patient of Dr. Sándor Homoki

Georgy Höller Gergő

"I honestly admit that the dentist's office is the death of me....break my leg or get a burn...I can handle it! but if I have to go to the dentist, I also stop. I have to say that I am 100% satisfied! They care about the guest , they have a sense of humor, they are kind and very precise, yes and most importantly... IT DOESN'T PAIN, last but not least, the girls are beautiful too! :)

Patient of Dr. Sándor Homoki

Dolhai Zoltán

"I reconsidered the concept of the dentist's office after the treatments, I experienced 100% competence and kindness. This is what I call aesthetic dentistry! I recommend it to everyone!"

Patient of Dr. Sándor Homoki

Legfrissebb híreink

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A fogászat sötét múltjából szemezgettünk

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Hogyan változtatja meg az AI, az AR, a VR és a 3D nyomtatás a fogászati implantációt?

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Osstem és a Neodent implantátumok összehasonlítása

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