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    Dental Whitening

    The discoloration of teeth is an aesthetic problem that affects a person’s life, they do not dare to smile, and it affects relationships.

    More and more people use the possibility of whitening, because a confident snow-white smile looks very beautiful. It has a positive impact on appearance, which can have countless advantages in life.

    The causes of the discoloration of teeth can be external or internal.

    I would classify life style things, smoking, consumed foodstuff (coffee, wine, cola, etc.) as external reasons. The pigments of consumed foods make your teeth discolored indeed, just like tobacco/cigarette smoke!

    As internal reasons, I would mention amalgam fillings, dying of teeth, inadequately sealing fillings, aging, and root canal treatment.

    A common question is whether tooth whitening is dangerous or harmful to teeth. It’s not dangerous, since if it were, we could not do tooth whitening in Nyíregyháza – Sóstó. There are, however, some things that need attention:

    Nem szabad túlzásba vinni a fogfehérítést!
    A fogfehérítés előtt rendbe kell tenni a fogakat! (A fogfehérítés során oxidálószert használunk, ami a nem jól záródó töméseken, vagy szuvas fogon keresztül behatolna a fogba, ami a fogbélkamra elhalásához is vezethet.)

    To treat the discoloration of the teeth, we use plasma light tooth whitening, which makes the teeth whiter by up to 5-7 shades. The intervention takes an hour and it is durable thanks to the plasma light tooth whitening, it does not cause any damage to the teeth.

    Tooth whitening begins with the polishing of the teeth, thus the surface discoloration disappears and the effect of oxidizer is increased. Photographs are used to document the starting tooth color, and a gingival mask is applied to protect the gums. Then the tooth whitening gel can be applied to the teeth, and the tooth is illuminated with the plasma light. It can take 20 to 60 minutes.

    After tooth whitening, consuming foods with heavy pigment content is not allowed and smoking should be avoided for a few days.

    We recommend teeth whitening every 1 or 2 years!

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